Today I Skipped

I rely on my Map My Run app to run more than I ever knew. Today, I couldn't figure out what happened it had a different screen, but most importantly as a Galloway runner, it wasn't telling me when to stop or go. It was throwing everything off, only to blame that it was really early...and finally, I figured out that I am the dumbass- I forgot to switch off my spinning extravaganza off and had to put it back to run mode.

I'm so bad at math, and my inability to make myself run longer than a minute no matter what really messes with my head....then it makes me start the wave of self doubt.  I know I'm not the quickest of all that is running...and I really struggle with that..Do you know what I am talking about?

So, I am sorry Map my Run that I cursed you from here to high heaven but it actually became a really peaceful morning. I shut off the app...said a couple more cuss words and decided to take the bridge.

And I saw this.

Once I got over the self depreciation, I decided to have a good morning and I walked, skipped a second, ran down the bridge (because that makes me feel real fast) and even did some walking lunges.

Taking the pressure off how fast (or not so fast) my miles are really made my morning a peaceful one. I went farther, and enjoyed the outdoors. It wasn't the most caloric loss to date but it was good for the soul. 

How do you get out of the monkey brain when you run? Do I really need a Garmin, or has my May My Run app learned its lesson?! 

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  1. I love your cartoon. I am way too dependent on my Garmin and get too caught up in monitoring my pace. I think we all should ditch the watch and do a little skipping now and then.

  2. I'm glad you still got out there and did it without the guide telling you to walk or run. Sometimes you need to do a "you" run and go with what feels right, not what a device is telling you to do!

  3. I'm always trying to decide if I want to invest in a Garmin or if my Nike+ app is enough. It's hard to choose! But then again, it's always easy to get myself not to spend the money. And I love that view. Pictures of sunrises that people see when they are running almost makes me want to be a morning runner....almost.

    1. haha. I would make you cringe...I get up and wait for the minute the sun to rise and its safe to go out by yourself. Not a lot of heat at that time in Africa Florida and then I am done for the day!

  4. Haha! Darlynn, I can relate!
    When we were in Europe I couldn't turn on my roaming because the charges are sky high so I had to run without Map My Run. I felt so lost! It doesn't have to be an awful experience we just have to keep running simply because we love to run.

    1. Ha! That is awesome!! That is a great way to put it! (but I have to tell my monkey brain that! xx

  5. It's nice to not rely on technology, sometimes you just gotta go out there and do it and have fun, and not stress about a gadget.
    Yes I have a garmin, but I hardly look at it, it's not until I get home to look at my stats to see how I went.
    You can pick up a garmin fr110 for around $100, and will do everything that your phone will do, you just don't have to hold it in your hand.

  6. What a beautiful picture! I love that you chose to keep going even when your technology failed you. I have a Nike Sportwatch and love using it but I've heard that it's great to unplug on runs every now and again. You have really reinforced that!

  7. I love the little cartoon b/c I've felt like that so many times! My App of choice is RunKeeper and I've never had a problem with it so I don't think you "need" a Garmin, but I can't lie it's on my wish-list lol

  8. Stopping by my FF. I totally hear you on the app thing. I have been using Runtastic, and I'm tired of it. Somedays my GPS signal is lost, and I have no idea how far I've gone, or if the time is even accurate. So annoying. I think I'm taking the plunge and purchasing a Garmin this month. I NEED it. I think you'll decide if you NEED it too at some point. :)

    1. I tried Runtastic this week, I didn't really like it. Thanks for the great advice~

  9. What a gorgeous photo! Totally worth the app not working. Sometimes it is just so awesome to realize how lucky we are to be outside enjoying exercising, in whatever form :)

  10. There is no question that there are days when you really need to leave the watch/app at home and just run. Sometimes these are actually serious workouts because we are enjoying it so much that we push ourselves.. while other times they are simply beautiful escapades for us to get back in touch with why we fell in love with running in the first place!
    All that having been written, I literally could not do the training that I am in the middle of doing (training for my first 24 hour race) without my Garmin 610! I have had a Garmin for 5 years and the 610 is an amazing piece of technology.
    I am attempting to hit many different paces throughout my week (I both run and race walk) that having that instant feedback is (for me) simply a necessity. Plus I really like the convenience of being able to upload everything wirelessly when I get home.
    The built in "Back to Start" feature of the GPS has saved me at least a half a dozen times when I was a bit lost in the woods on a trail run.
    The 610 is not the cheapest thing out there, but really when you think about it running is a relatively cheap sport compared to most (think "greens fees") and even cheaper when you are a barefoot runner like me :)
    Great site! I really love your top banner!
    I found you on Friday Linkup and look forward to coming back and checking out more posts!


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