Thursday Thoughts

I was on the Today Show with Robin Thicke on Tuesday, so how was YOUR week? 

If you know anything about me or this blog, I am NBC, all the time and I watch the Today Show like a religion. As many times as I have been to NYC...I have never gone down to stand in the crowd although I want to really bad. Just haven't had the time. My dream of all dreams is to sit and collaborate on my prattle on all that is um, well ANYTHING! So, the next to best thing is to have my tweet underneath the gorgeous Robin Thicke. I literally dropped my coffee. May I say, it will probably be the only time I will ever be underneath Robin Thicke but I'll take it. Can you say those things when you are married? I don't know! 

I was also included in the Today Show Storify on the event and RT by their Sr. Community Manager for @NBCNews who has the coolest Instagram ever. He always makes me miss NY very bad. So, that was quite the sugar high! 

I joined the Ormond Beach Chamber today, it was about time. I think it will be neat to see when you are officially being out there advertising instead of thankfully and luckily relying on word of mouth. We will see. 

An agency I worked with pitched me for social media for a RFP we were working on, as well as another client and it got accepted. I can't wait to see what comes out of this. Very exciting.

Today is Thursday and I almost have the feeling in my ass back from the Fit Barre class I took on Saturday. Isn't that incredible. I really want it to work for me, but I don't know I look forward to running this weekend now that I can move without looking like an idiot. 

Onward to a new month and a new weekend. I hope it is a good one for you.


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1 comment:

  1. LOVE it!! I know you have it framed on your desk too.


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