San Diego Pub Stays Classy With Its Yelp Reviews

Craft & Commerce Awesome Logo (from website)
As much as I push in my business that my clients must set up their businesses in its entirety on Yelp, Trip Advisor, Urban Spoon, etc. etc. dealing with the reviews when they come in can be trying. 

Certainly when they are good, you can do many things with them...promote them on your social networks, use them as testimonials in your marketing materials, shout from the rooftops, etc. 

But when they are bad, there is a method of madness. 

I always say valid, warranted complaints are an unbiased review of your business...if you have streams of bad service, bad service, bad service may have some personnel issues. The same thing with people that complain about the food.These type of reviews can be dealt with by addressing them with the customer and attempt to rectify the situation. You are being a good owner by hearing your customer and doing what you can to fix it. 

But what if the complaint is not warranted. What if it is an ex-employee twirling his fake mustache in attempt to try to sabotage you because he is disgruntled. What if you have a reviewer that is Debbie Downer and hates everyone and you are the target of the day? What can you do if Yelp will not take your review down?? 

Looks like the gastropub, Craft & Commerce, located in San Diego's Little Italy district has the right idea. Embrace your online reviews indeed! According to the Yahoo article, they take their negative reviews and broadcast them using actors in their restrooms. Awesome!!! 

How do you handle your negative reviews?
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