Guest Post-Leslie from AndGeeks

Empowering Your Mobile Employee’s Productivity

Four efficiency tips for female entrepreneurs

As a woman who owns her own small writing business, I’m often dependent on mobile technology to keep me attuned to my day-to-day business. For instance, I often work from cafes on my laptop between client meetings, I use my smart phone to connect with remote staff and potential business partners on a daily basis, and I use my tablet to touch base via email, Skype, and to share knowledge in cloud-computing type programs.

In this current mobile business environment, we don’t need to be in the office every day. In fact, most days myself and my staff don’t need to be in the office at all! I depend on the following mobile tools and processes to wire me into the day-to-day office stuff. This way, I’m confident that I can hire and source work on a remote basis, and know that I’m working with those with the best experience, and not hindered by location.

Here are four tips that I use as a female entrepreneur to empower the productivity of my mobile employees…

1. Develop a sense of community spirit

The more and more remote workers that I added to my staff; the more I realized how important it was to develop a sense of community—from a distance. Remote employees will typically feel a sense of isolation if they constantly work alone. I find the most efficient means to keep them productive and communicating with me and each other is via engagement. And I use tools like Linkedin, Facebook, and even Liquidspace for weekly check-ins, virtual meet-ups, show and tells, and Q&A’s to increase the remote community at my company.

2. Trust the security of the cloud

Cloud-based programs are great if you’re looking for a secure, accessible program to keep all of your business files. I use tools like Google Drive and DropBox, where my team of remote workers can access the files, images, and tools they need to do their jobs at a distance. These cloud sync storage programs allow me to share a project with a team and a client and manage all types of files—such as word documents, photos, spreadsheets, video, slide share, etc. Cloud storages offers the most efficient and secure way to collaborate and access documents from anywhere, from any device.

3. Supporting staff from a distance

Affirmation is absolutely necessary—even for remote employees. Not only does it ensure your remote staff feels valued; it also increases productivity and urges them to surpass deadlines, project specs, quotas, and knowledge sharing between workers. I find that rewarding remote staff for their accomplishments—with employee of the month or a monthly gift card for the best producer—keeps my staff invested in my company and its success!

4. Urge collaboration with communication

Working remotely can tend to weight on business communication. However, just because staff is cut off physically from each other, doesn’t mean they can’t use tools on laptops and tablets to bridge communication from a distance. I use Skype for instant text and video messaging throughout the work day to facilitate quick chats, team conference calls, and project meetings. It’s the regular communication that keeps my employees sharing knowledge, pushing the creativity envelope, and supporting each other from a distance.

About The Author

Leslie is one of the bloggers at AndGeeks who specializes in all things mobile and electronic. She’s an avid gadget geek and can often be found playing with the newest apps or testing Lenovo laptops and other electronic gadgets.

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