Pursed Lips February 9, 2018

What’s funny is my phone autocorrected the title to Purses Lips instead of Pursed. To be fair based on the last time I blogged, it’s a sad and purse lips worthy moment indeed. Admittedly, my Instagram has taken over much of my blog like behavior, especially via the Insta-Stories...but I have missed writing in this space and I need to promise myself to be a little more committed. I even wrote it down to blog more. It’s also written under *breathe*...may seem weird to you, but sometimes I need the reminder!

It’s 220am on Friday morning and I have slept only a few hours. There is nothing anxious on my mind, but sometimes I go through these long spouts of time where sleep isn’t a part of my agenda. I then go down these long rabbit holes on the interwebs looking up all kinds of things. Shopping for ridiculous things. Planning events that are months away! What did the world do before electronics when one couldn’t sleep, did they just lay there?

Ok, on to a couple of things....

Essential Oils
I have been a fan of essential oils for a very long time but lately I have been really reinvesting my time with them...using them daily and diffusing then. The diffusing part is a little new to me but I really like it. I have been buying the ones I diffuse on Amazon but the ones I use daily, I get from Shanti Aromatherapy. She is local to me but has a pretty successful business nationwide and is also one of the best masseuse  around. Her peppermint oil I can’t live without. Literally am unable to exist without it when I get a headache. I also use lavender on the daily...lately I have been enjoying frankincense which is super grounding (without being hippy dippy). It also reminds me that it is as close as I will get to church anytime soon with my crazy life.

I realize that Young Living and DoTerra are uber popular but Shanti is the real deal for me. I will say that YL Thieves has kept my family healthy this season but for everything else Anne is your girl. Shop local, Yo!

Taste of Ormond
My favorite event is coming up! It’s hard to believe that Spring will be here soon but planning for this is a great reminder! You all know how important Ormond Mainstreet is to me. If you know of a business that would like to attend. Please let me know!

Rae Dunn
New Obsession. Why? Why? Why? As luck would have it my friend Kymmers bought me my first mug years ago as a prize and it has been my favorite mug to date. Do you know it is now considered vintage and is selling on EBay for $150? I kid you not! But now I find myself scouring TJ Maxx and Marshall’s on the daily looking for mugs to add to my collection. Yesterday, I almost bought two Mrs. mugs...clearly for a LGBT couple, sold as a set but I sat and thought about this for more than a couple of minutes!!!  I could have TWO Mrs. mugs! I could give one to Megan! Or to my client whose wedding invites I just completed! It’s now 2:45a and I have just decided I shall go back to TJ Maxx tomorrow..er later today and go get those damn mugs.

Dreams. Also Jurisdiction for a Divorce. 

A change of pace
I have a super good idea for another venture I want to begin. I think I just heard the amazing lady who helps me with my books (who is also is nice enough to read my blog) just groan but there is something huge missing in our area and I know just how to fix it.

I am becoming more and more interested in diversifying my professional life. Try to focus on what I love. Stop making work work. I love my social media but I’ve been at it a very long time, Love and wish to keep my current client load but have no desire to beat the streets for new business in that arena. I am enjoying Noted but it is very very stressful (the invitation side). I am passionate to be as perfect as possible and the self doubt, the need for affirmation that the client is happy and the time it takes is really working on me and my anxiety. So I have a couple of things in the hopper. Stay tuned, and say a little prayer for me. Or hand me some more Frankincense.

Watch the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel or we can’t be friends.

There are so many people who could use this quote. Happy Weekend everyone!

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