Happy National Running Day!

Today is National Running Day! I wanted to take time to tell you why I am so thankful to be a runner.

1. I am so thankful that I have the ability to run. Physically I am able to, Spiritually I always want to go for one which is surprising for someone who never worked out as a hobby, only a chore. 

2. Music has always been a very strong connection for me. Being able to listen to my jams while I run is always what pushes me. I have a couple of friends who dont listen to anything and I don't understand that at all. I have tried the audio books but really a little "Turn Down For What" will make you happy. Sorry for passers by when Britney comes on!! Running karaoke is fun! 

3. I am happy the way running has reshaped my body, kept weight off and make me feel like I am holding a big secret, that being 40 and a HALF aint so bad.

4. I think a lot when I run. Its very therapeutic.

5. I have mentioned this before but being a runner instantly connects you to other runners. Boy or girl, doesn't matter-its a bonding conversation that can last for hours.

6. I can't believe I am gonna say this out loud, but when I get a pedicure-I always feel very proud when I shoo away the cheese grater and say I am a runner...you need to use the stone! #sorrynotsorry

7. I get to see sunrises like this:

Those are some of mine, why do you run?

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