Thursday Thoughts

I am crying big sad tears that I didn't not go to BlogHer 13 this week!! WHAT was I thinking. I need to put my OCD cap on and get my full recap as if I was there. BlogHer is offering a pretty kick ass promotion for all of us go or go homers. Read about that here. Like Now.

This weekend I am excited to take a Fit Barre Workshop, especially since I didn't really work out at all this week. I want the Fit Barre movement to TAKE OFF here since although Pure Barre in NYC did politely agree that Pure Barre Daytona had a nice ring to it but they weren't coming here anytime soon.

I rode a thin line this week overexposing myself on social media. It was all Darlynn, all the time...Obnoxious to anyone who is my friend on Facebook but when the good news rains, who am I not to pour it all out there?

The issue of Influential Women came out. It was really cool, and I am only a little sad that they spelled my name wrong...haha. AND MY BLOG The headshot is terrible...but I am meeting with my friend THIS week to get new ones like a big girl.

The next day our wedding announcement came out online and this morning in print in our wonderful town newspaper, the Ormond Beach Observer. God help our town, for one week...they get to see this!! hee hee..

Also this week, I celebrated a milestone, learned about a really cool new company called Plum Ally and held my first Stella and Dot party. I am OBSESSED with this jewelry and my first party was a blast. The new Fall line just came out...wanna see??

Speaking of jewelry, an old friend will be at the Fit Barre class. She has a gorgeous jewelry collection herself...Bright Side Collection. She was nice enough to register me, because Im not smarty pants enough to figure it out. Check out her stuff!!

Saturday night, my best friend and I get to go to dinner with our husbands! Good food, great company and good wine....who is luckier than me!

I am reading Z, the story of Zelda Fitzgerald....can't put it down!!

So, How was your week?

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  1. I've been to Pure Barre but have not heard of Fit Barre. What's it all about?

    1. If i am not mistaken, Fit Barrre is the type of workout Pure Barre is the amazing franchise. (I could be wrong!)


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