Socially Acceptable-Manilla

It is tough working for yourself. Yes, it is awesome but it is tough when you are starting out. There are a LOT of balls to keep in the air. It makes me a little dizzy to think that (knock wood) I have pulled it off for two years next month. I am at that point almost that I need a little help only because I have asked my cat every day this week to make me coffee and she just looks at me...I have taken the advice of a friend and fellow business owner who said do one thing for yourself-if you are not going to pay someone to work for you, pay people to work with you. What she meant is to start throwing money at things I don't want to do...a bookkeeper, someone to keep my house clean, etc. That makes a lot of sense to me, the last thing I want to do after being the owner, the salesperson, the bookkeeper, the accounts payable, the receptionist, the insert title here for my company is go home and clean my house.

Even my daily personal tasks are suffering. As odd as it seems even though I have money in the bank, the last thing I want to do is sit and figure out which bills are due when and where. I am never ever late on my bills ever but I was finding myself waking up in the middle of the night freaking out because I hadn't paid my Bloomingdales! Does this ever happen to you??

I now use Manilla, which I credit for saving my sanity (and my credit). Manilla is (according to their website, which explains it best because me just saying over and over it is awesome is not gonna explain it for you) Manilla gathers all of the information you need to manage your bills and accounts and puts it in one secure place, available 24/7. With automatic reminders, Manilla lets you know when important bills are almost due, or when rewards points are about to expire. So, you take a little of time entering your bill information in once and Manilla does the rest.

The great thing about Manilla is that it will work seamlessly on all platforms whether it is your IPhone, IPad, Android or computer. I am always a big fan of the clean interface and it breaks it out for you by category! Save your sanity and check out Manilla-you will thank me! I promise! You can find more information about Manilla here.

I am getting excited to work with Manilla soon as a guest blogger. I will be sure to let you know when it posts next week! In the meantime, check out the cool Back to School promotion using Pinterest that they are offering this month!

The Manilla Back-to-School Sweepstakes
  1. Use Pinterest to pin at least one photo of something you or your child needs for school (like clothes, school supplies, money for loans — anything!) You can pin as many photos as you want. See a few examples on our Pinterest board.
  2. Tag each pin with #ManillaBack2School
  3. We’ll choose at random one pin. The winner will receive $500 to buy it (or anything!).
The promotion ends on Friday 9/14/12.

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