The Woman I Am-Pursed Lips October 26, 2017

Hope you all don't mind my prattling lately. I have just been in a writing mood and instead of saying I should blog about that and don't...well...I have been.

It's Friday!

I hope you all have a good weekend planned. My goals are literally the same as last weekend. Technically we have no football this weekend as the FSU game is tonight at Boston College. I am surprised that they don't play today at 1p instead of Days of Our Lives, they are so bad. PS, do you ever look at your favorite soap operas?? The SAME PEOPLE are still there!

Joe Girardi is not returning to the Yankees next year. Honestly, bye Felicia....he never embodied the Yankee spirit, IMHO...Its hard to verbalize and listen, there will never be a Joe Torre (the grandfather I always wanted). But, he just had cold eyes. I am a weirdo, now you know. I need Derek Jeter to quit this Marlins nonsense and come home and be the manager. Please.

I am the woman I hated. My friend and I had an actual business lunch yesterday. We both have girls...Every is seven months old and I brought Lilly....we literally talked about being a mom the entire time. Who are we?? I think we went over about five minutes of business and then we spoke about everything mama in between. Goodness.

Speaking of which. Why are Moms so Mean? It keeps happening again and again. More on that later. But seriously....who are these women? I grew up here and have NO idea who the hell these mean girls are.

 This week, we attempted our holiday shoot for our card. Attempt. There is a special place in heaven for my photographer if she gets something out of this. About an hour before the shoot, Lillian decided to learn the duck lip kissy face pose and wouldn't stay in one place to save her life. She also was all jacked up on Mountain Dew the entire time, it was like she has never seen the outdoors. Fairly she doesn't go outside much. Don't believe me? Here you go (blurry because it is on her computer screen).

Enjoy your freaking weekend!

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