A Girl Looks At 40

Today is 40 days before I turn 40!!!!!

Its been a great and exciting year. In some ways, I made the last year of my 30's really count! I got married! My business grew! I traveled! I spoke and traveled! We are trying to have a baby!

Thirty was a little hard to turn, I was broke, throwing myself at some loser who "didn't want a girlfriend" but I was good enough for everything else and my life was very stagnant.

I was very thankful for the start of my 30's and I always say scream this to whoever will listen.

I don't feel that way about ending the journey of being 30. I mean they were long and tumultuous at times, but in some ways there were also a ton of times in this last decade that I laughed so hard I cried and I will treasure those moments forever. I met some of the most amazing people and I really feel that I came into who I really am, what I believe in forever more and what it feels like to truly have your shit together. 

For my 40th birthday, I am going to live as close to my dreams as possible and spend almost a week in NYC, in the West Village and live like a NYer. I am going with just my husband and I. After the last couple of months and the next couple of weeks..I know we will welcome the break.  

Bring on the 40 days!! 

I'm looking forward to the Lighthouse Loops 5K this weekend!!

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  1. Happy soon to be birthday! New York sounds like a great way to spend your birthday and it sounds like your last few years have been pretty amazing.
    I'm close to 38 (in Nov) and I agree, I wouldn't go back to my 20's. I've loved my 30's. Here's to the 40's! :)

    1. Thanks Sami! Hope you are having a good weekend!

  2. I love countdowns!

    You've already experienced a lot of milestones and blessings even before you've reached 40. It can only get better. :)

    Enjoy the birthday gift of the NYC trip! Very exciting!

    Keep up the youthful spirit. Your life adventure is very inspiring.

  3. What a great attitude! Sounds like you've had an amazing year!! Hope you get the baby your hoping for, and that next year at 40 is just as fabulous if not more!!!

  4. Happy birthday - hope you get some runs in Central Park.

  5. I found your blog through the Running Bloggers' linkup, love it!

    Happy early birthday! I just turned 30 last month and that was really hard for me but I'm starting to embrace it now. It's great to hear that you cherished your 30's so much. I'm excited for this decade. :)

    P.S. I love the 20's photo LOL. So true.

  6. Glad everything has turned around for you! How great to look back and see how far you've come :)

  7. Happy Birthday _ I love your positive attitude!!


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