Maybe its the change of weather or the changes we have been making to our future (news on that soon!) but it has been a great week.
A couple of things moved me this week and I posted them to Facebook in hopes it would inspire others.
I swear I have said "We'll figure it out" more times than I could ever count. It really is a good mantra because it means, lets not freak out or bring the drama...lets just put our heads together and figure it out.
This is a beautiful saying and it goes along with the week I have. I wish I could read this every day.
There is a girl I have never heard before, her name is Hannah Brencher and I came across this article about 25 things women should know. There seems to be a resurgence of 25 things for this or that, so I didn't think I would be so blown away. I am looking forward to reading more things from Hannah and probably beat myself a little for just now getting on her train. Please take five seconds and click on the link and learn.
I recently made a new Twitter friend in Melanie, from What The Rep Should Do. She and I share an admiration for Bethenny and she headed me up to a ridiculous Omarosa interview....she wrote a great blog about it here. Check it out!
Here's for a great weekend!!
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