I Took A Sick Day, Don't Tell My Boss

 Remember when I blogged complained told you my concerns about taking a vacation as a business owner?? I really enjoyed the feedback and I am glad I am not alone in this situation. 

This morning, I woke up and realized there was yet another clink in my plan for world domination as a business owner: I will never again be able to call my boss and tell her (lucky me, I have worked only for females) that I was sick and not coming in. Although that may not seem like a big deal, I am gonna miss the tiny feeling of satisfaction when she would say feel better and let me off without any attitude or hesitation. 

The upside is that I don't have to ask anyone to take a sick day but the downside is I don't have to ask anyone to take a sick day. 

Usually these practices of actually taking some time for myself would set me over the edge with guilt.  Who has time to be sick?? But you see, I am writing this from vomit village. I have the stomach flu...haven't had it for years. In fact, I spent half the morning yesterday racking my brain how three beers could make this sick. When it was decided that I am not in need of a Betty Ford bed, I spent probably the most beautiful day we have had in six months and a Sunday, mind you-in my own bed wishing for death to come. 

In fact, and this only happens almost never, I was still so ill, I decided when I woke up this morning that I don't care if the world blows up-I am doing the bare minimum for Little Blog Dress Media and going straight back to bed. 

After a four hour nap, I am now coming into a more saner state of consciousness. I am actually kind of excited! I took a sick day! 

Here is how you can take a sick day without guilt:

1. Set your vacation message. I actually googled How to leave an away message when you are sick to no avail. I made a similar one to when I was on vacation and told everyone I would be back on Tuesday.

2. Do what you need to do to not drop the ball. Take your to do list for the day and do whatever is on it to ensure that you will not wake up to chaos on Tuesday when you feel better.

3. Stick by your Sick! Do NOT answer email and do not answer the phone, you are sick...not a martyr! How annoying and unprofessional you will sound on the other end...so don't. You took the day, so now take it! 

4. Do what you can to get better! You have a business to run! 

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  1. Hope you feel better! I am the person everyone at my office calls when they call out. Not too many feel bad about calling in though. I think it is more acceptable now to stay home rather than infect others (I know I hate when my co-worker who sits next to me comes in very sick..ugh..) Great advice you gave those who work from home...Take the time to get better...

    1. Thank you Winnie! You always say the nicest things! I appreciate you!

  2. Take care and feel better soon. No fun being sick.



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