Katie Couric To Visit BlogHer 12

I am a big fan of things that happen for a reason. I signed up for BlogHer12 by myself blindly because I thought that for sure this is the place for enlightenment. What else would happen to you when you join thousands of like-minded people in my favorite city in the universe? I mean, I walk up the steps out of Penn Station and start misting over every single time. So I knew I was in the right direction by committing to go, even if it was by myself. 

Then by the grace of God, my best friend said a couple of magical words: I wonder if my company would support me to attend this. They said yes, and that inspired her to get rebit by the blogging bug and now we are both knee deep inspired to blog and blog often in preparation of this great weekend in August. By the way, if you want to check out her awesome blog -I Run For Wine, it is here.  

So off we went, just like back in our Racing Fashionista days, using the power of Twitter to make some friends and connections in time for BlogHer12...we are starting to make amazingly detailed itineraries that would make a lay person shudder and signing up for all the social activities we can get our hands on...within reason and without begging because we have been warned smartly by the fabulous Joey Fortman-that is LAME.  

What are my expectations of BlogHer12? 

1. To Be Inspired
2. To Better My Blog
3. To Better Myself

So, after all of our ducks are in a row...the keynote lineup starts trickling out...I couldn't believe that Martha Stewart and Katie Couric was speaking at our event. Excited for Martha because of her entrepreneur awesomeness but I hold a special place in my heart for Katie. First, I am a life long fan of the Today Show...wake up and watch it every single day...but I am so excited to see Katie in person to hear about her awesome new show! Her approach is relatable and I just know most if not all of my expectations above will be satisfied from hearing her keynote. 

Check out this adorable hello to us attendees at BlogHer12...just an inkling of how awesome the weekend is gonna be! 

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1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to see you will be there. I am going also. It is my first time and since I am new to blogging, I think it will help me on all 3 of things on your list! I am so excited and have fun nerves too. I am a NY'er so I am glad it is here and in my comfort zone. I am treating myself and staying in the city as well.. Hope to meet you!


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