Highly Acclaimed-Skinnygirl Releases WINE!!!!

I am becoming a bigger fan of Bethenny every day. She is the driving force behind the Skinnygirl brand, books, website, drinks, etc. etc. This is a woman entrepreneur who a girl like me can easily idolize.  Today the adoration just elevated to the kind of worship where one can hear angels sing. On her website and Facebook, Bethenny announced that in April she will be adding WINE to her collection of Skinnygirl cocktails. Wine!! Each only 100 calories and three new varietals-Red, White and Blush! Looks like I have a new food group!

From Bethenny's website

Read, read, read all about it and try to breathe shallow breaths! That is what I will be doing till April!

Wine Spectator Pin It

1 comment:

  1. i will look for it... Thanks for the heads up. With the summer bbq's I think it would be great to bring along..


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