Here are some great options to participate online:
The Official You Tube Channel. You Tube has given you the option to watch the Royal shenanigans here on the Official Royal Channel starting at 5a EST. It will follow the pair’s journey to and from Westminister Abbey, the Wedding Service, balcony appearance and aircraft ceremony.
Google.Google has already outlined with 3D Street View
Twitter. I will be watching with my tweeps on Twitter. Search for the #royalwedding. and take your pick on who is interesting to follow and enjoy. Watching any award show on Twitter is the only way to go and I am sure that this event will not disappoint.
The Royal Wedding website. For the whole shebang...get on over to The Royal Wedding for all the Kate and Wills official info that you can stand!
If you are tired, don't want to set your alarm or GASP!!don't have computer access when you get to work...well, I guess you can call me with your ultra trendy Will and Kate Iphone case and I will fill you in...
Am I the only person setting my alarm or will you be joining me? Is this where DVR shines its brightest? Or will you just be assured that you will catch recaps ad nauseum that you are not going to even bother with a plan?
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